Monday, August 17, 2009

and the money goes to....

haloo~~~ eh aper halooo2 ni zima..isk2..salam~ :)

da baper ari lak x membebel kat sini..xder arini nak membebel pasal novel lagi la..ngeh2..

startnyer from last week..i went to kinokuniya at klcc..nak beli novel eclipse ngan p.s i love u (yes, aku beli sbb dlu aku bacer shayna nyer je, nak bacer sendri nyer lak..haha)..

ok so last thursday, after work (of koz la kan, xnak ar ponteng2 keje ni..hehe)..alang2 naek lrt guner travel card rapid kl tu je, aku pun drop by la kat klcc..jalan2 ngan velocity yang agak2 cam mclaren mercedes..smbil dgr mp4..layan~

ok back to the story..aku pun pergila kinokuniya tu..masuk2 je.."waaa...banyak giler buku!"..isk2..kalo la aku ni anak donald trump, da lamer aku beli 1 kinokuniya tu..haha..mimpi je la just grab eclipse ngan p.s i love u tu..and then raser cam nak beli novel my sister's keeper tu but the words are too small..susah la nak bacer camtu..hee

ok enough about thursday..last friday lak..lunch hour aku gi MPH nyer clearance sale..kat warehouse seblah colgate ni je..hehe..bukak je pintu lift kat 2nd floor buiding tu..aku nmpak da..MPH versi warehouse..banyak giler buku! rambang mata! waaa..

aku ngan linh (dak utp intern kat colgate gak) pun usha la aper yg patot..and aku tgk buku eclipse tu ader 30% off..means that xsmpai RM30 pun..waaa..a bit regret there..but what to do..da beli kan..isk2..becoz i thought warehouse sale ni just ader stock buku2 lamer je..isk2..

untuk menyedapkan hati, aku pun tengok la buku2 laen..hehe..usha punyer usha, its 2 o'clock already..aiyak,kene balek opis da..xsempat pun pusing 1 warehouse tu..isk2..sebab ader certain books, diorang just letak random je..not according to author or title, so susah gak nak tgk satu2..last2, i grabbed 5 books je..hehehe...ingat nak beli breaking dawn but it was like RM 30 (walaupun murah tapi time warehouse sale kire mahal la tu..haha), 5 books but the price x sampai RM70 pun~ hepi~~ wee~~ (sebab aku amek buku yg 50% off 2 books ngan buku RM5 je smpai 3 books..haha)

so last week, these are the books that i've bought...

p.s i love u

everwood (number 6)

so far, eclipse je la yg da abes bacer..hehe..629 page tu..:P everwood ni xder la aku minat sgt pun..actually nak beli charmed ke, but banyak sgt lak series everwood ni ader 6 books je..but 3 books je aku jumpe..RM5 per grab je la..bosan2 leh bacer dlm lrt..hehe..

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