Thursday, November 26, 2009

don't trust me

i'm addicted to this song! haha..

really2 addicted till i lost count on how many times i've played this song arini..haha..(mesti da beratus2 kali kot~ :P)

raser cam lagu ni da lamer..tapi biaser la aku ni outdated sket..:P

and layan la video klip lagu ni..vid diorg ni cam xder motip je aku tengok..but fun la..leh wat korang sengeh sorang2..:P

eh2 lagi satu lagu yang aku asek replay over and over again..

taylor swift - you belong with me :)

nota hati : kalo korang tau lagu2 baru yang best, suggest kan la ek..:)


naddy said...

oit, ktnggalan!
aku skng tgh layan starstrukk! lg beshh ;P

bLueSpeCky said...

nk wat xdgr radio..starstrukk grup ni gak ek?

Alep Baek said...


bLueSpeCky said...

okeyh karok ek..:P

naddy said...

starstrukk 30h!3 gak~ hehe